Taste of Oblivion: Peeking Through The Curtain…

A couple new ideas have infested my frontal lobe, priming the pump for some future stories.

Just for Giggles: Giggles the Birthday Clown is having a bad day. His wife left him for her orthodontist, taking his kids with her and cleaning out the house. He just got fired from his day job after 20 years. Now, after a major storm sacks the east coast, he seems to be getting sick… more sick than he’s ever been in his life. And he’s getting hungry. Giggle’s day is about to get much, much worse…

Mailbox Baseball: Five friends are spending their last summer together before college doing what they love: partying, drinking, having sex, smoking pot, and smashing the mailboxes around town. But then a party in the woods gives them a surprise… one they’ll likely never forget…

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